
Contract Electronics Manufacturer must provide you with four kinds of services.

You may be really looking for an electronics manufacturing service provider, and you may be having a headache for how to make a decision. In order to meet your production, you want to increase value-added and reduce costs, in fact, you do not only need these, let's explore what services you should pay attention to.

1. New Production Services

As today's consumers are continuously seeking out electronic devices that can work faster and smarter, electronics companies must work hard to hold their customer's interest by continuously updating their existing products and creating new product lines. Unfortunately, the extensive design and development processes can become very time consuming and stressful. As such, it is not uncommon for creative teams and engineers to become burned out, or become too close to the project to see ways of enhancing the design schematics, creating a more efficient device, or solving problems. By working with professional contract electronic manufacturing services, new sets of eyes are introduced to the project, ensuring that each of your device's plans have been viewed from every possible angle. In this way, you can complete the design process more quickly. From here, your contract manufacturer can help to develop prototypes and move into the actual PCB assembly process. 

2. PCB and Systems Assembly Services

Your contract electronic manufacturing services provider should be well versed in PCB and systems assembly. As you look into working with prospective manufacturing companies, you should find out about the production technology that is utilized by the business in order to ensure that the latest machinery is utilized in assembling your devices for maximum efficiency and effectiveness - regardless of how complex your products are. Amongst other things, he PCB and systems assembly capabilities of your manufacturing company should include:
  • Rosin, No Clean, and Aqueous Flux Chemistries
  • Multiple Through-hole assembly areas
  • BGA X-Ray and Rework
  • Automated SMT print inspection
  • Automated Optical inspection
  • Bonding and underfill
  • CT and Functional Test
  • Box Build
  • Configure to order/build to order
  • System assemblage at the Chassis, Cage or Rack level
  • Customized cabling
  • Board level and system level testing

3. Testing Services

There's nothing more embarrassing and detrimental to the reputation of your electronics business than producing a line of faulty devices that make it to the shelves, only to be recalled. The cost factor for disposing of the bad equipment, redesign, and re-production involved with these types of problems alone can be extremely devastating. In order to catch any issues quickly and prevent major losses, it's imperative that your contract PCB manufacturing services provender is able to provide ICT and Functional test services for virtually everything that it builds. Your manufacturing partner should have the know-how and experience to troubleshoot complex analog, digital, and/or RF products and come up with fast solutions. Any defects that are found during the testing process should be quickly corrected by your manufacturing partner, and captured in a database for both reporting and trend analysis. 

4.  Fulfillment Services

When the production of your devices is completed, the work isn't over for good contract electronic manufacturing services. Your partner should be able to offer flexible, customizable solutions for all phases of your product's life cycle - extending even to direct customer shipping and a repair and return depot. Through quick troubleshooting and corrections, the need for expensive warranty replacements can effectively be eliminated. In this way, you can remove the "middle man", making things smoother and easier for both you and your customers. It's a win for everyone involved. 
Producing a great product at a reasonable price point is very possible. By taking the time to find a contract electronic manufacturing services provider who can meet all four of these criteria, you and your business will thrive.

    Are you ready to get started?

    Contract electronics manufacturing to create greater value

    Contract electronics manufacturing service providers has been constantly improving their own competitiveness, they strive to provide customers more value added products.When looking at costs across the entire lifespan of the product -not just its initial manufacturing- domestic contract electronic manufacturing services deliver a better product, happier customers, and a superior ROI.

    Four More Reasons To Consider Reshoring In 2016

    1 - Reshoring is going mainstream

    What was once a trend largely among smaller businesses looking to get an edge over the competition has expanded to cover more and more major A-list businesses.  Just last year, General Electric brought roughly 1,900 jobs back from China.  And given that GE is well-known for its cost-cutting efforts, they're obviously not doing this solely for PR value.The problems with offshore manufacturing are becoming increasingly well-known and, accordingly, companies are looking for better alternatives.

    2 - Better infrastructure and equipment

    China may be one of the leaders in overall PCB manufacturing, but America is still tops in innovation and the adoption of new technology.  Most of the factories in use in China were built 10-20 years ago, and haven't seen many updates, at least outside of the biggest names like Foxconn.
    In the meantime, US manufacturers are continually investing in new manufacturing techniques, allowing them to offer products that are smaller, faster, or more rugged.  When the market for electronics is so competitive, a company needs to be able to say their products are being made in cutting-edge facilities.

    3 - Fully integrated product developmentPCB-Repair-Services3

    Modern US contract electronics manufacturing services do far more than simply build products to spec. They can be true partners, working with you every step of the way, from initial concept through multiple prototypes and into the final build.  Testing and even focus-group sessions are also possibilities.
    This can vastly accelerate the development of a product, when one company is handling its development throughout the process.   The testing process, in particular, can quickly iron out the problems in a product before release, creating a product that garners great reviews right out of the gate.

    4 - In-house technical support

    Who could ever be more effective at providing post-sale support than the same facility which designed and manufactured the product?   In-house support services have the benefit of the engineers' own expertise, as well as gaining insight from the testing reports previously generated.
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    Surface Mount Technology Creates Better Electronics Faster!

    If your PCB assembly shop isn't using Surface Mount Technologies (SMT) in their processes, you're potentially losing out in numerous ways. While SMT production isn't a magic bullet, in most cases it creates smaller and more affordable products.

    Older manufacturing technologies, usually called "through-hole" circuits, required large circuit boards with holes physically drilled through them. SMT production, on the other hand, uses a two-in-one glue and solder to eliminate the holes and create direct electronic connections.

    This means lower prices for you across the board, and more options for your customers!

    Five Ways Surface Mount Electronics Are Superior To Through-Hole

    1、Smaller components

    With SMT manufacturing, the lower limit on component size is only restricted by current miniaturization technology. Current SMT circuits can host components which are only 0.4x.0.2 millimeters, and the next-gen standards are going to cut those numbers down by nearly half again.

    This means more features on-board, with smaller device sizes. Given the trend towards making everything handheld, this is critical for creating devices that will resonate with the public.

    2、Dual-sided circuit production.

    Another reason SMT products are smaller is that it allows for circuits printed on both sides. Traditional through-hole manufacturing could only have components on one side, because the opposite side was reserved for the wiring connections.

    Again, this means higher component density and smaller end-user devices.

    3、Faster setup.

    For various complex reasons involving the programming of robots, it's much faster to set up an SMT assembly line, even for creating multiple variations on the same product. Likewise, all the drilling required for through-hole circuits significantly increases the number of defective products even on a well-tuned assembly line.

    This faster setup time pays off in lower costs throughout both production and pre-production. SMT prototypes will be cheaper than through-hole prototypes, which makes it more affordable to create multiple protos before committing to a final design.

    4、Less electronic interference

    Because SMT production minimizes the number of open wires, this means the resulting products will be more resistant to electronic interference and RF signal effects. In some cases, this may even make it easier to pass any FCC regulations on RF emissions from the devices you create.

    Interference is one of the most infuriating problems that can come up with a device, since there's very little an end-user can do about it. Electronics that aren't affected by the local WiFi or wiring environment will be perceived as higher-quality by users.

    5、Better damage resistance

    Since SMT boards use a combined glue and solder, they're more generally resilient and able to withstand day-to-day use, especially shaking and minor impacts. This makes them perfect for pocket-sized devices that will be put through stress in a given day.

    Surface Mount Technology Creates Better Electronics Faster!

    If your PCB assembly shop isn't using Surface Mount Technologies (SMT) in their processes, you're potentially losing out in numerous ways. While SMT production isn't a magic bullet, in most cases it creates smaller and more affordable products.

    Older manufacturing technologies, usually called "through-hole" circuits, required large circuit boards with holes physically drilled through them. SMT production, on the other hand, uses a two-in-one glue and solder to eliminate the holes and create direct electronic connections.

    This means lower prices for you across the board, and more options for your customers!

    Five Ways Surface Mount Electronics Are Superior To Through-Hole

    1、Smaller components

    With SMT manufacturing, the lower limit on component size is only restricted by current miniaturization technology. Current SMT circuits can host components which are only 0.4x.0.2 millimeters, and the next-gen standards are going to cut those numbers down by nearly half again.

    This means more features on-board, with smaller device sizes. Given the trend towards making everything handheld, this is critical for creating devices that will resonate with the public.

    2、Dual-sided circuit production.

    Another reason SMT products are smaller is that it allows for circuits printed on both sides. Traditional through-hole manufacturing could only have components on one side, because the opposite side was reserved for the wiring connections.

    Again, this means higher component density and smaller end-user devices.

    3、Faster setup.

    For various complex reasons involving the programming of robots, it's much faster to set up an SMT assembly line, even for creating multiple variations on the same product. Likewise, all the drilling required for through-hole circuits significantly increases the number of defective products even on a well-tuned assembly line.

    This faster setup time pays off in lower costs throughout both production and pre-production. SMT prototypes will be cheaper than through-hole prototypes, which makes it more affordable to create multiple protos before committing to a final design.

    4、Less electronic interference

    Because SMT production minimizes the number of open wires, this means the resulting products will be more resistant to electronic interference and RF signal effects. In some cases, this may even make it easier to pass any FCC regulations on RF emissions from the devices you create.

    Interference is one of the most infuriating problems that can come up with a device, since there's very little an end-user can do about it. Electronics that aren't affected by the local WiFi or wiring environment will be perceived as higher-quality by users.

    5、Better damage resistance

    Since SMT boards use a combined glue and solder, they're more generally resilient and able to withstand day-to-day use, especially shaking and minor impacts. This makes them perfect for pocket-sized devices that will be put through stress in a given day.


    Several Technologies Converging to Drive PCBA Industry Demand

    Several electronic technologies are converging to increase demand in the PCB Industry over the next several years. The driving opportunity is the explosive demand for smart phones and tablet computers.

    Mobile technology is growing faster than any technology in history. Faster than radio, television, computers and the internet. According to Pew Research, as of September, 2013 "63 percent of mobile phone owners now use their phone to go online!"

    Mobile is a key category behind the electronics industry rebound from a modest downturn; "North American electronics industry has been recovering gradually from a slowdown that began in December 2013."

    There is also good news for the PCB and PCBA industries in the "Internet of Things" (IoT) and the expansion of cloud based computing, both driving increased demand for storage, routers, and servers.

    Still another factor that should drive industry growth is the propensity to embed technology into everything imaginable. Intelligence is now being embedded in pills that a patient swallows to take pictures of their digestive tract, they are in cameras that monitor traffic on the highway, there are in appliances that can advise homeowners when they are running low on groceries. Even if the miniaturization itself does not directly impact PCB, it again drives demand for more servers, storage, and routers.

    The convergence of smart phones, tablets, the Internet of Things, Cloud based computing, and embedded devices should bode well for every industry that is connected to them.

    Complexity Index for PCBA Assembly

    Complexity Index for PCBA Assembly
    The Complexity Index (Ci) is a method of scoring the manufacturing complexity of PCBA assemblies proposed by Agilent many years ago. It is a useful and accessable method of standardizing approaches to understanding complexity and therefore the appropriate manufacturing and test strategies.

    Complexity Index (Ci):

    Ci = ((C + J) / 100)) * D * M

    Continue reading after the break for a practical example of how to utilize this formula.

    Understanding the variables utilized is critical to being able to properly take advantage of the Complexity Index.

    To reiterate, Ci = ((C + J) / 100)) * D * M


    C = Number of Components

    J = Number of Solder Joints

    D = 1 for double-sided, =.5 for single-sided

    M = 1 for high mix, .5 low mix

    For example, a double-sided board with 125 BOM line items might have 730 components (the sum of each BOM line item times its quantity per), 3300 solder joints, and is high mix (say less than 10,000 per run size). Its Ci would be:

    ((730 + 3330) / 100 * 1 * 1 = 40.6
    Complexity Index Complexity Class
    <25 Low
    >25 and <75 Medium
    >75 High


    Do Not Get Burned By Outsourcing Your Product Assembly

    Several PCB manufacturing businesses have taken to moving most, if not all, of their manufacturing department overseas to off-shore factories, most of them within China. While the cheap labor costs might bring in a boost in revenue but the affects on the local economy and future revenue is also worth considering when it comes to keeping your business assets safe.

    A major manufacturing job which has gone overseas is product assembly, especially for Printed Circuit Boards. However, there are precautions when it comes to off-shoring your assembly to China or other cheap labor countries. Though it may seem impossible not to go overseas for your manufacturing, it doesn't have to be like that any longer. Many product assembly businesses are still United States based and support the growth of their local communities by keeping jobs local. Also, the components being used can be shipped from a reliable source and are less likely to be faulty.

    There are many other reasons to not go off-shore with your PCB assembly, not just the risk of faulty parts or ensuring there are jobs in the United States. In fact, SLD talks about a case study which explains the very real problems of outsourcing to China and how a personal paper shredder company saw $168 million in revenue lost simply because of trying to cut corners in labor.

    The Problem With Off-shore Parts

    PCB and general product assembly has become a booming economy in China over the last few decades, but there have been problems with American businesses shipping off the manufacturing and assembly to a country halfway across the world. Some of those problems include:

    Counterfeit parts are a very common problem in assembly. Counterfeit parts could mean faulty parts which won't work and could affect an entire batch of product, meaning a huge recall and reassembling everything with non-counterfeit parts. However, fake parts are so prevalent in China that it can be difficult to find real, reliable components.

    It can be harder to track all of the parts to make sure they are compliant and working up to spec, making the entire rework process potentially difficult and even more costly in the long run.

    With regards compliance, most parts need to have certain compliancy measures that might not be found in parts not passed through a United States based assembly team.

    Bringing It Back To The United States
    Going back to the case study by SLD of a personal shredder company called Fellowes Inc., this is an unfortunate example of a business nearly going out of business simply because of outsourcing. Fellowes developed a joint venture with a Chinese company to build a factory in China, the contract stating that all tooling and intellectual property within the factory are Fellowes' property. The Chinese company, Shinri, was owned by brothers and eventually leadership of the company passed on to a different brother who decided to take control of everything, including the Fellowes contract.

    What happened next is Fellowes trying to sue Shinri in Chinese court with very little success and a loss of millions in revenue, nearly going bankrupt in the process. The problem with a joint venture in a different country is that the contract is still affected by that country's law, and if they are not enforced, then any resulting broken contracts prove to be fruitless.

    However, your assembly production can be brought back to the United States under U.S. business law, protecting all of your intellectual and manufacturing property without the threat of a sudden change of power and glaring illegal tactics to usurp all property. And the costs of bringing it back to the United States doesn't have to mean a huge loss for your business, product assembly can still be relatively inexpensive with newer technology being implemented, such as CNC and robotics.

    Start seeing real, quality results when you start choosing American based product assembly, not faulty and counterfeit parts or a threat of your entire business going bankrupt.

    Best Assembly Solutions: Exceed Your Requirements, Not Your Budget

    Printed Circuit Board (PCB) solutions, you want the best quality without having to go over budget and lose money. While it may seem like an impossible feat, it doesn't have to be with the help of assembly solutions out there that aren't just out for your money with the worst quality service offered. What kind of solutions are there? And how can they help you save money?

    Don't Go Off-shore

    Most assembly companies outsource their assembly line to other countries, like China. However, the end result might turn out to be a product that doesn't work or has a less than average lifespan that could mean a faulty warranty. While it might be difficult to budget in United States based assembly, it is well worth it in both the long and short run. Try to choose a PC board assembly company which keeps everything in the United States, from design to assembly to implementation. You will be feeding into the economy and seeing a higher grade of PCB products.

    Keep An Eye Out For Counterfeit Product

    A very common problem with PCB assembly, especially when outsourcing and going off-shore, is the volume of counterfeit product that could mean a bad product that doesn't work, and reassembling an entire shipment. When looking into assembly solutions, it is best to find solutions which promise non-counterfeit products and have the ability to test to make sure the components are verified.

    CNC Assembly Solutions

    Recently CNC machines have been making a big splash with an ever-growing community of CNC manufacturers and hobbyists creating all sorts of different products, especially with the popularity of the Internet. However, it can also be a viable solution for small to medium production tasks with the right kind of cutter and miller. Because of its popularity, budgeting in CNC created products is becoming easier to do too.

    SMT For Your PCB Needs

    Also simply known as Surface mounted technology, a surface-mounted device in the PCB world is probably the most common assembly type that many different companies utilize for an inexpensive price. Most businesses prefer these types of components because they're smaller, can hold more on the board, and the parts for an SMT assembly costs less than other alternatives.

    Robotic Assembly

    Because most components are becoming smaller and harder to assemble by hand, most companies are using robotic hands to do the assembly work while humans still do the testing and rework should there be any problems with the parts after assembly. Because robotics in the assembly industry has become a common staple for smaller PCB's, using robotic assembly with human testing doesn't have to force you to go over budget.

    Through-Hole Assembly Solutions

    For those interested in having a stronger PCB than the ones created through SMT, through-hole technology is an option to consider. However, out of all these solutions listed, through-hole can still be on the pricey side and should be reserved with businesses with higher budgets to spend on assembly. Regardless, through-hole is best for electronics that need a stronger PCB, such as semiconductors.

    When it comes to your own printed circuit boards, it is best to use your own judgement on these things. However, there are some requirements to consider for any project and budget, including if the company is United States based or there are counterfeit parts being used. The others include:

    Product testing is a requirement, so don't skimp out on testing to try and get the most product.

    If possible, look into green services so your parts are RoHs compliant.

    Always use analysis for compliance, systems, and components. Just like with final product testing, don't cut corners with an analysis.