
How to reduce the cost of Electronics Assembly

These days, everyone is looking for new ways to scale back their spending and become a more profitable business. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, hiring a contract manufacturing company to assist you with the design and assembly of the PC boards for your products is one of the best ways for electronics companies to save money. How can spending money on a third party manufacturing service actually allow you to increase your bottom line and thrive? Here, we'll take a look at some of the many ways that a contract manufacturer can help you to achieve your business goals.

5 Ways a Contract Manufacturer Can Reduce Your Electronic Assembly Expenses

1. Reduce Design Time

Even if your design and engineering team is skilled and experienced, the design process itself can be very time-consuming and can present issues - even more the most seasoned veterans. When tackling a new project, your staff my come across problems that they experience difficulty in overcoming. This may require them to go back to the drawing board and start anew, or simply get "stuck", preventing the project from moving forward. The advantage of having a contract manufacturer on your team is that a fresh set of eyes will be introduced to the issue and can help you to more quickly complete your plans. A contract manufacturer is also useful in situations where your design team is overwhelmed by a large volume of projects, or you need help completing protocol specs on a tight deadline.

2. Lower Equipment Expenses

One of the biggest problems that smaller electronics companies are faced with is their lack of funding or resources. Because a small scale operation will generally bring in less profit than major corporations, it can be difficult for the underdog to keep up with the competition in terms of purchasing the latest and greatest machinery and equipment for electronics assembly processes. When you have a partnership with a contract manufacturing company in place, you no longer have to worry about this. Your partner company will shoulder the burden of purchasing state-of-the-art equipment so that your boards can be assembled with the best of the best machinery available. You'll also enjoy savings on equipment maintenance, and won't be required to store the equipment within your facility which can reduce space needs and rent costs. 

3. Increase Production Speed & Precision

Wouldn't it be great if you had the ability to mass produce your PC boards faster than you are currently able, without being required to sacrifice the quality of your products? Knowledgable and experienced contract manufacturing companies with advanced electronics design and assembly equipment will have the ability to not only process your batch orders with speed, but also with painstaking accuracy. Boards are then tested to avoid problems with malfunctioning devices.

4. Spend Less on Parts

The costs associated with the parts and components used to assemble your product's PC boards can really add up. PCB manufacturing companies can help you to reduce those costs in 2 ways. First, by reviewing your plans carefully, a contract manufacturer may notice ways to make the board more efficient and compact. Secondly, contract manufacturing businesses will have long-established relationships with suppliers, resulting in a lower cost for parts.

5. Minimize Warranty Replacements

When something goes wrong with a PC board, many small electronics companies do not have the means to correct the issue, but simply choose to cut their losses and offer the customer a warranty replacement. In many cases, though, repairs would be much cheaper. When you work with a contract manufacturer, you will have someone on your team with the time to troubleshoot for the underlying problem, make the necessary corrections, and return the product to the customer. 
Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. Hiring a contract manufacturer to assist with your PCB assembly processes is an excellent investment that will benefit you in the long run. 

