
PCB repair:When to Repair vs When to Replace

When something goes wrong with one of your electronic devices, how do you handle the problem? For many businesses, protocol is to simply replace the entire unit, when it's under warranty. Although this certainly is a quick fix and provides customers with a functioning devices, this may not always be the smartest course of action. Do you know when to repair and when to replace? This post will explore the answer to this question, the benefits of PCB repair, and the ways in which a contract manufacturer can help you out in the process.
PCB repair

When to Repair vs When to Replace

In many instances, when something goes wrong with one of your devices, it is the direct result of a single failing component, or a small underlying issue. When this happens, it's a lot more economical to consider troubleshooting the device and simply replacing the necessary parts or making the required adjustments in order to return the unit to working order. It's really only in cases where the entire circuitry of the board has blown out or the cost of labor is more expensive than the parts that a total replacement should be considered.

Benefits of Repairing vs Replacing

When you make the decision to make repairs to your PC boards, you can expect benefits such as:
  • Cut Down on Replacement Costs - Have you ever actually stopped and considered how much money you're actually spending on warrant replacements? Despite how infrequently your customers may experience problems with their devices, the cost to replace an entire unit will always be significantly higher than if you were able to simply replace one or two parts. By taking the time to work on repairs, you can help your company to save a great deal of money.
  • Lower Customer Costs - When your business is able to enjoy savings, your customers can actually reap the benefits. If you're spending less money, you're overall operational costs go down. This means that you can afford to lower customer costs on products and in purchasing warranty guarantees. Everyone wins.
  • Improve Customer Faith In Your Products - The problem with replacing an entire unit is that it basically says that the device is no good. This tells the customer that if one component in the unit goes, the whole thing goes, which gives the impression that your products are of a lower quality. When you're able to make a device like new with just a few simple tweaks, it proves that you know what you're doing and that your devices are excellent.
  • Be Environmentally Responsible - Replacing a unit that could be repaired is very wasteful. It requires the use of more resources, and contributes to our overly-full landfills. Replacing only the necessary components through a good repair job cuts down on waste and helps to protect our environment. 
Need Help? Work With a Contract Manufacturer for Troubleshooting & Repair
Even if you know and understand that repairs are nearly always the superior option, you may simply not have the means to do anything other than continue to work with warranty replacements - even when the problem is very small. SMBs in the electronics industry often are unable to spend the man hours on troubleshooting or repairing a device due to resource or budget constraints. The good news is that if you're hoping to push for further repairs in the figure but have had problems in doing so in the past, you don't have to go it alone anymore. When you contract with a third party manufacturing company, you can take advantage of their fulfillment services. Faulty or malfunctioning units can be shipped directly to your contract manufacturer where they will be tested for the core problem. From here, the unit can be repaired and shipped back to the customer quickly.

